Investment Policy Principles 

Construction Workers’ Pension Scheme Trustees Designated Activity Company (the Trustee) is responsible for overseeing the investment of the assets of the Construction Workers' Pension Scheme (CWPS). The Trustee is also responsible for preparing the Statement of Investment Policy Principles (the “SIPP” or “Statement”) which provides an overview of how the assets are invested and managed.

In preparing the SIPP the Trustee has had regard to the requirements of the Pensions Act covering such Statements as well as relevant regulations. The legislation requires that the Statement covers at least the following areas:

  • Investment objective
  • Investment risk measurement methods
  • Risk management processes
  • Strategic asset allocation

This Statement is organised under the following headings:

  • Description of Scheme
  • Governance of the Scheme 
  • Scheme Investment Objective & Investment Risks
  • Risk Management – Structures and Processes

Whilst the preparation of a SIPP is mandatory, the Trustee considers the preparation and maintenance of such a Statement to be good practice. In preparing this document, the Trustee has sought advice from the Scheme’s Investment and Legal Advisers and the Scheme Actuary. The Trustee reviews this Statement at least every three years or following any change in investment policy which impacts on the Statement. The Statement was endorsed by the Trustee as having effect from 30th May 2024.

A full copy of the the Scheme's Statement of Investment Policy Principles is available here.

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