CWPS Pension Contribution Rates

The CWPS contribution rates mirror the recommended contribution rate specified in the Sectoral Employment Order (Construction Sector) 2023. If any of your employees are not Specified Workers detailed under the Sectoral Employment Order (Construction Sector) 2023, we have other rates available for pension, death in service and sick pay. 

Below are the weekly rates for Pension, Death in Service and Sick Pay contributions. For more information on the Sick Pay Trust, please visit the Construction Workers' Sick Pay Trust website.

There is 100% allocation to members' funds from pension contributions paid.

New contribution rates commencing 5 August 2024.

Pension Contribution €30.82 €20.57*  €51.39 
Death in Service Contribution €1.17  €1.17*   €2.34  
Sick Pay Contribution €2.37  €0.63   €3.00  
Standard Contribution Total  €34.36 €22.37  €56.73 

* Contributions for Pension and Death-in-Service Benefit are made before PAYE is calculated. 

CWPS facilitates the collection of some voluntary industry deductions as set out below on behalf of the social partner entities listed and these can be paid as a combined payment with the Pension, Death in Service and Sick Pay contributions. 

Weekly remittances charged by the Construction Workers' Health Trust and the Benevolent Funds.

Construction Workers Health Trust €0.00 €1.00 €1.00
Employer Benevolent Fund €0.19 €0.00 €0.19
Employee Benevolent Fund €0.00  €0.50  €0.50 
Overall Total €34.55 €23.87 €58.42


You can also download CWPS pension contribution rates for previous years on our downloads page here.

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